Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Confessions. (By: Jessica)

1. I'm about to turn 34 and I keep thinking I'm 35. 
2. I have not trained for my half marathon in 3 days and it's killing me! I have a weird pain in my knee that I have been trying to let rest and heal. Its kinda getting worse. I'm so anxious to get back to my training that I'm gonna try to run tonight. I have been thinking about this allllllll day long. 
3. I slept about 2 hours total last night. (the night before the first day of school) Yes..... I still get nervous. 
4. Cece's hair is a hot mess. 
5. I really need to get my family back on our meal plan.
6. I'm thrilled with my new teaching position, school, co-workers, and administrators. Thrilled. 
7. I feel overwhelmed with school starting and with keeping up my jewelry business......and I love it!!! 
8. I "messed around" with some money in our bank accounts the other day. I thought Toby wouldn't notice. I thought wrong. #triedtobesneaky #notagoodsneak
9. My sister-in-law asked me the other day if I had oil or dry skin. I honestly had NO IDEA how to answer that question. 
10. While driving home from Rockford the other day I got totally and completely lost and had to use my GPS to get home. (sidenote: Rockford is about 8 min from my house.) 
11. I'm so excited about our basement being dug/poured that I want to start moving boxes in there NOW! Apparently you are not allowed to do that..... 
12. I want to have a "house blessing party" soon. 
13. I haven't done laundry, cleaned a bathroom, or vacuumed carpet in 10 months. It bothers me to the core and I feel so ashamed. 
14. Church NEEDS to start being a priority. Why is this so hard!?!
15. I feel guilty when I wear jewelry other than Premier. 
16. I feel really let down by some people in my life. 
17. I totally spent money that was not mine and didn't realize it for 3 days.  (see #8) 
18. Leo looked at me the other day and said with passion and emotion, "I Hate You". I died a little. Spanked his bottom. Put him in time-out. Told my mother-in-law like it was hot gossip. Then died some more. 

That's it! More next week......or not. We will see. 

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