Thursday, August 14, 2014

The Jewelry Lady (by: Jessica)

So I've started a 2nd job.  As if I needed ONE MORE THING to concentrate on, right?  But, seriously, this decision didn't come easy.

Starting a career with Premier Designs High Fashion Jewelry has been something I have always thought about. It has always been something I knew I could do. It has always been something I wanted to do. It has always been that little something wisper in the back of my head on random occasions..... "spppp.... Jess..... remember me? The jewelry business?  Ya know, I'm ready when you are!"

One of my long time best friends, Becca, has been a well known jewelry lady in her area for years! I remember when she first told me that she was working with Premier. It was 2007 and I was thrilled for her! I LOVE Premier jewelry and knew about their amazing hostess benefits! I immediately wanted to host a party! To help Becca out (of course) and to get myself some new (free) accessories!

 After my party, Becca asked me if I would ever be interested in getting involved in the business. I said "no". It wasn't something I was interested in at all at that time. Toby and I had only been married a fe months, had JUST started a new life in SC, and didn't even have human babies yet. I was focused on my teaching career and my new marriage. That was enough for me.

We never talked about it again....... until May 2014.

It's funny how God places things in your life at JUST the right time. Remember that wispering voice in the back of my head....."spppp....Jess.... me again. Ready yet?" Well it was getting louder and I was in the mood to listen.

Toby, I, our 2 kids, and our dog had just spontaneously packed up our lives of 9 years in Greenville, SC and moved back home to Celina, OH.

Best. Decision. Ever. But came with a few consequences......

I took the year off teaching and substituted for the remainder of the school year. (Oct-May) Once school was out for the summer I was faced with something I had not had to deal with since 2002.

Getting paid in the summer.

 For the last 11 years I had been getting a paycheck in the summer from whatever school I was employed with. This summer I didn't have that luxury. Enter.....PANIC MODE.

"Guess your gonna have to have to get a job" said my loving husband.
"Guess your gonna have to kiss my ass" I replied. 

A job. Another job. A new job. I didn't know what type of job I wanted to do or could do. I didn't want to work everyday, all day. I didn't want to work weekends or nights. I wanted more than minimum wage. I didn't want a boss that ordered my around. I didn't want to have to deal with rude or mean people. I wanted something relatively easy and stress free. I wanted to be able to take a day off whenever I wanted.

There was a moment in time where I thought I was gonna have to work on a factory line, wearing steel toed boots, cussing at the people beside me and spitting tobacco on the floor.  (not that there is anything wrong with's just not something I'm used to. But I could be. If I needed to. And if I was forced to......with a gun to my head.)

Toby told me that he didn't think I would enjoy that. So I moved on and started looking at other options.

Then came that voice again.

Long story short..... I mentioned it to Toby. (the jewelry thing)

 He was hesitant.

 I then reminded him that he might have to start looking at me in bib overalls with oil stains on my face and chew dripping from my mouth.

He thought about it some more and started to get OK with the idea.

I called Becca and took the plunge.
Her immediate faith in me was incrediable. She didn't waste any time getting me started up and before I knew it, I was on my own. I was my own boss. I was an official Jewelry Lady. I had my own jewelry business. Now, I had to start making money.

Getting started was easy. I have a wonderful family and loyal friend who stepped right up to the plate and helped me get my feet wet. Toby's cousin Ashley had a party for me and so did Toby's Aunt Laura and Aunt Jean. My sister had a party for me and so did my sister-from-another-mister, Katie.

Those people will never know how important that was to me and my new business. They allowed me to take a chance on their friends and family and gave me the support and encouragement I really needed at that time. I was so scared and nervous about this decision. What if I made the wrong one? It was so comforting to know that these (4) people believed in me enough and loved me enough and cared about me enough. They didn't even hesitate to say "yes!" when I asked them if I could do a show for them. They had no excuses and made time for me.  Still warms my heart thinking about it. Everyone needs people like that in their lives.

 Ashley, Laura, Jean, Jill, and Katie....... Thank you. Seriously.  What you did for me at that time in my life means more to me than you will ever know. Ever.

Since starting my jewelry career I have had 15 shows, earned (3) charms for my Premier Designs Jeweler bracelet, earned $400 in free jewelry, and have made over $5,000.

This business is fun! I really love it! I've always loved jewelry, but it's not all about the jewelry. It's about meeting all kinds of cool ladies. It's about not trying to be something I'm not. These ladies at my shows like my sarcastic sense of humor. They like the demo's I show with the jewelry. They like my fashion sense. They get my jokes. (sometimes) The  smile at me while I'm talking and ask me questions that make me feel important. And they REALLLLLLLLLY love me when I give them hundreds of dollars in free jewelry!

That's the best part. Giving the free jewelry. It makes me feel like Santa all throughout the year, not just at Christmas.

Premier is a company that came to me at just the right time in my life. God placed Premier in my life, no question about it.

 That little voice?

It was Him.

Always is, isn't it?

Anyway- it was a good decision...... taking a chance starting my own business. I'm glad I did it and it worked out (is working out) in my favor. It's fun and I enjoy it and now I can get my nails done whenever I want to or go see a movie with my sister or spend money on things that I don't need. And that's pretty cool.

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