Sunday, September 18, 2011

Clutter Thinking...... (By: Jess)

Ever have so much on your mind that you have to take a "time out" just to think through it all? too. I need to "De-Clutter".

Here is just a random list of the clutter that is taking up precious space in my mind.....

1. Beach trip this summer?
2. When will we get to go to Vegas again?
3. When will my Mom be able to come for a visit?
4. What can I do to spice up my classroom lectures?
5. I need to go shopping! I actually have money to spend!
6. Next time I get my hair colored, I'm going darker.
7. So excited about the "Biggest Loser" competition at school.
8. Why does Leo have another cold?
9. I shouldn't have taken Leo for a walk yesterday. Must have been too chilly. (see #8)
10. I'm getting a mani and pedi in a couple weeks and NO ONE (I mean NO ONE) is gonna stop me.
11. I'm excited to get a new dress for Keenland the weekend of Oct. 8th
12. I wonder if Mark and Whitney will come to Keenland in Oct.? Lindsey and Brent?
13. I need to contact that lady about taking Leo's 6 mo. picts.
14. I wonder what we will wear for our fall family picture?
15. I'm loving the new marriage series going on at our church right now.
16. I need to buy flank steak and peppers in adobo sauce.
17. I wish someone would buy our house.
18. I'm excited for our weekend away in Feb.
19. What should Toby and I be for Halloween?
20. I need to order Leo's Halloween costume.
21. I want to get some pumpkins soon.
22. Wonder when my new contacts will be in?
23. I want to make that new peanut butter cup cookie recipe.
24. I really want to have a wine and cheese party.
25. I need to get my Thanksgiving menu started......
26. I'm pumped for my 1st 5K coming up!
27. Will I ever be totally happy with my hair?
28. I wonder how my classroom looks after missing 2 1/2 days of school...... ugh.
29. I really want to go visit my cousin in PA and go to NYC while I am there.
30. I can't wait til Leo's backpack is here that I ordered!
31. I need to go to walmart....I'm sure of it.....for something.
32. I need to thaw some chicken.
33. Why are my lips so chapped?
34. I miss Melanie a lot sometimes.
35. I need to update my Netflix with all the movies I want to see.
36. Why am I such a slow reader?
37. I need to vacuum.
38. I need to looking into getting a housekeeper.
39. Is Leo teething?
40. I need to call Rosie back or at least send her a note in the mail with some pictures.
41. I need to start making my Christmas lists.

Ok. Enough for now. That made me tired, which was the point. Now I can go to bed. I wonder what I'll dream about tonight? Last night dream about Leo getting an entire set of teeth in one day had a lot to be desired. Tonight better be more interesting.....

Does the "clutter thinking" ever stop?

Gosh, I need to add parsley to my grocery list.......

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