Thursday, January 17, 2013

Since when did failure become an option? (By: Jessica)

I'm feeling so disappointed today.

 I'm disappointed in my students.

I experienced a situation today that I have never experienced before.

Here is the reason for my disappointment....

I had 3 students...who were currently failing my class. They were BARELY failing, which means they were VERY CLOSE to passing.

Very close, like 1 or 2 percentage points away from passing.

 I told them this.... "If you make up ONE assignment that you missed, you will end the grading period with a passing grade". Nothing extremely demanding. Nothing hard or confusing or stressful. Just simple..... complete the work you are missing and pass.

 Easy Peasy, right?

Yeah...that's what I thought.

 But I was wrong.

None of them completed their assignment.
None of them seemed to care that they were going to FAIL the nine weeks.
None of them seemed to care that if they completed just ONE ASSIGNMENT, they would pass.

I was so let down.

I suddenly realized that failing was OK with them. Failing was acceptable to them. Failing wasn't a big deal. The past 63 days was a complete and total waste of time/work/effort for them...because they failed anyway.

It was/is so depressing. Don't you think? It's amazing how much "school" has changed from when I was in Jr. High.

If I FAILED a class.... not a test, not a project, not a homework assignment..... an ENTIRE CLASS, I would have been DEVASTATED!!  My heart would have been broken and my confidence shattered. My parents would have FLIPPED OUT on me and the guilt I would have felt by letting them down would have almost killed me. Let's not even talk about the trouble I would have been in and the amount of things that would have been taken away from me.

But, I guess it's not like that anymore.

 It breaks my heart how acceptable failure is today. How "OK" it is to fail.

The phrase "I don't care" couldn't be more true.

I know that not ALL of today's youth has this mentality. I know a good amount of kids who impress me everyday. I know some kids who would DIE if they failed a test.... let alone a class. I know some kids who would have jumped at the opportunity to pass the class if they had the chance. I know some kids who would be willing to do hours and hours of extra credit if it meant they would pass and not fail.

The sad part is, is that I honestly only know SOME kids like this. Not a lot.

I guess these feelings just come with the job. I know that I can't "change the world" or I can't FORCE anyone to care about anything. But...dang.... wish they would just try sometimes. 

I guess all I can do... outside of all the things I already do daily for my students ... is to just pray for them.

Pray that God helps lead them in the right directions.
Pray that this stage in their life is just an "awkward stage" and eventually they will come around and get serious about their education.
I'm gonna pray that God gives them more self confidence and self worth and  helps them to realize that it's not OK to anything. Especially without effort.

 I'll pray......

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