Thursday, September 11, 2014

Ralph and Marj. Marj and Ralph. (By: Jessica)

Toby's grandparents will be married for 65 years in October.

When asked what they wanted to do special for their anniversary, they said that they wanted to go bar-hopping.

Well, an 80 year old couple's version of bar-hopping anyway. (going around to the local "clubs" and having a drink with all their grandkids) But bar-hopping is bar-hopping to me no matter how you do it.

That's awesome.

Ralph and Marj are such special people. Not because they want to go bar-hopping with me (even though that is pretty bad a**), but for so many other reasons BESIDES that.

When I first met Toby, one of the first things that I learned about him was that he had an awesome relationship with his grandparents.

 I was introduced to Ralph and Marj early on in the relationship and I think it was Toby's way of "hooking me in" for good and making sure I stuck around.

I can't tell you the exact moment when I met Ralph and Marj, or what was said or where we were at.... but I can say this..... I KNEW I was gonna love them someday. And boy was I right.

I believe God puts people in your life for a reason. We may never know the reason, but the people that we know were specifically placed there by God, Himself.

I knew from the instant when Ralph told me that he liked Key Lime Pie that I loved him.

 Every time I see Ralph I hug him. He doesn't hug me...I hug him.  I can't wait to get my hands on him first! I just love him! When I hug Ralph I see and feel a glimpse of my own grandpa and my dad. Why? I don't know. Ralph is not really similar to either one of them... but for some reason hugging Ralph fills a void in my heart. He also is always warm, smells good, and always hugs me back.

And that smile. Ohhhh.... it's a statement piece! He may be missing a couple teeth, but I wouldn't know that smile any other way. I love Ralph's long chin, thin face, and big ear lobes.

And Marj... she is a fun time!

All the time!

I love, love, love, love the sound of her voice.

I can't even begin to explain it. There's no way I could explain it. Only those who know Marj know her voice. But, I will forever know what it sounds like and so will Leo and Cece.

When Leo was born, Ralph and Marj gave him a book and they recorded their voices reading it. When I first heard it, I cried. I didn't even listen to it all the way. I shut it immediately. It was too much for this post-pardum depressed new mom could handle.  Out of allllll the gifts we received in honor of our first born, that one is my favorite. Sorry to everyone else who gave us gifts, but Ralph and Marj gift takes the cake.

 Aside from Marj's "know-it-anywhere" voice, her presence is all I need. When she's around, everyone seems happier. Maybe it's just me who is happier, but everyone else is always smiling too.

When Marj is around you can count on a funny story, remark, word said incorrectly (peez-za), some kind of statement said to or about Ralph that is hilarious, and always, always laughter.

 I'll never forget when she tried to teach me how to crochet and how bad of a failure it was. She tried so hard to make me understand.... but it wasn't happening.

 I'll also never forget how scared I was she got sick about a year ago.

I loved, LOVED, playing cards with Marge on our Beckstedt family vacation a few years ago. Sitting around the card table with her, listening to her teach me how to play, then playing game after game. It was fun.

The image of Ralph paining all our walls in Toby and I's first home together makes me grin ear-to-ear. Hearing him get up at 5am and start painting, for us, was enough to make me jump outta bed and run out to see the first swipe of paint go on the wall. (in which I immediately yelled "STOP!", I don't like that color once I see it. Can we get another color?!") He painted our ENTIRE HOUSE in 2 days. Room by room. Bright turquoise blue to bright sunshine yellow. He was a rainbow by the time he was done and he worked hard. Bless him.

I loved our wedding day and sharing Ralph and Marj with our friends, who soon fell in love with them too! I'm still bitter about the fact that I didn't get to ride in the limo with them to the reception. I missed a fun time..... or so I heard.  Oh!!!!!! and the wedding "after-party" in the hotel room..... and I'm not talkin about Toby and I's hotel room..... we had a blast and Marj was the life of the party and Ralph took his shirt off.

I never had a real relationship with either one of my grandparents, so maybe that's why I find Toby's relationship with his so unbelievable.

 I envy it.

 Does he know how lucky he is?

When we lived in Greenville, Toby and I would be driving somewhere and we would randomly want to call Marj. Just talk to her. We would put her on speaker phone and both of us would just giggle every time she said "hello"!

When we were invited to bar-hop with Ralph and Marj last week to help celebrate their anniversary it go me thinking about how incredible this couple is. (and how much I needed a drink and was glad to have a night out coming up)

 While I was getting ready for work the other morning, alllllll I thought about was Ralph and Marj and how much I love them.

Do they know?

I doubt it.

I tell them "I love you", but I tell everyone I love them. Not that is doesn't mean anything, but to me, it's just a simple phrase said at least 10 times a day.

 I believe I was superposed to fall in love with these people. God wanted me to and planned on it to happen for me. They are one of the many reasons why I thank Him everyday.

Happy anniversary, Ralph and Marge. I'd be honored to buy you a drink!

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