Friday, September 5, 2014

Half Marathon #2..... training (By: Jess)

In the words of my friend, Britt.....,

"Opps, I did it again.....".

Never did I think I would train, do, and finish (1) half marathon.

Now, I currently training and (hopefully!) will do/finish another one.

This process is more than  race to me. In fact its not a race at all. I don't feel like I'm "racing" anyone...... but myself.

Why am I doing this? Lots of reasons....

  • I like to have something to work toward 
  • I like to exercise
  • I need to have something pushing me, cause really no one else will. 
  • I like the feeling of working really hard at something and succeeding. 
  • Its something my friends, Nicole and Maria, and I do together. 
  • I want my kids to be proud of me....someday 
  • I want to be proud of me.
  • I like the fact that I still amaze myself that I am actually doing something like this. (running is NOT in my gene pool)
  • Time alone to run is therapeutic 
  • Cause I like to eat food and drink alcohol 

The 2nd half marathon  that I'm getting ready to embark on (still can't believe it!)  is going to be right here in my hometown of Celina, OH. I don't have to take an airplane this time and my friends will be coming to me! Bliss.

It's at the end of September and it's creeping up on me fast.

My training this time around went really good........ at first.

I started training in July. I ran (5) days a week. 3miles, 3miles, 4miles, long run, 3 miles, and 60 min walk/bike.

I ran in a lot of different places..... bike path down by where Toby works is my favorite! I ran through our neighborhood, through the park, through the neighborhood across the street, around the lake, on the bike path by the lake, through downtown Celina, and on the bike path by Walmart.

I have a routine. I run 4 minutes/walk 2 minutes. I got up to running 5 minutes/walking 2 minutes, but then I had a set back. I listen to "Boyance Avenue" on Pandora. I honestly love every song that is played. (sidenote: I'm going to their concert at the end of October! Cannot.Wait.) I use 3 apps at once; my interval timer, my Nike GPS, and Pandora. If I did not have access to these apps... I have NO IDEA how I would make it through a run. When I'm done, I post my Nike results to FB and twitter. Why? For verification to my partner, Maria. It keeps me accountable.

I did not miss one single day of training...... until 2 weeks ago.

I started having a weird knee pain that just wouldn't go away. I tried ice and creams and wraps and nothing really helped. So I did something that I KNEW would work. Rest.

I rested for 1 week and was planning on getting back at it. But, it still was bothering me. So I took another week off. That seemed to do it. Kinda.

Since July, I have been running in the mornings. It was perfect for me. The life of a teacher......

But now that school is back in session, its H.A.R.D.

I was supposed to run on Monday (3 miles), Tuesday (3 miles), Wednesday (4 miles), Friday (6 miles) and Saturday (9 miles) . Rest days are Thursdays and Sundays.

This week I ran Tuesday (3 miles) and Wednesday (4 miles).


I want to do it.... but I just don't have it in me by the time the school day is over, dinner is made, kids are fed and baths have been given. At that point in my day, (usually 8pm ish) running any number of miles seems   is impossible.

If I "suck it up" and just do it.... I feel good.
If I don't, I'm hard on myself. And I am bummed.

The thing with running is that once I get going.... I'm OK. I am pretty good at finishing what I start. Even if I feel like total dog barf and its hot and sticky and I can't catch a breath and my legs feel like wet sand bags and I probably look like a complete train wreck..... I will keep going. Because I told myself I would and I don't want to hear it from myself if I wimp out or quit early or give up.

Plus, the pay off emotionally, mentally, and physically from completing a run (especially when I didn't want to) is awesome.

Seriously.... you should try it. The best medicine.

But.... dang.... sometimes that prescription for that medicine feels like it costs $5,000. And sometimes I just don't have the money,

Anyway- I have a good (3) weeks left and here is my plan....

Do my damn best.
Im gonna TRY my hardest to get at least 3 runs in a week.... whatever day of the week works out the best.
A 3 miles run
A 5 mile run
and then the dreaded "long run".

At this point, my long run is starting at 9 miles.

I want to be able to have at least (1) 12 mile run under my belt before the big event.

My goals:
1. Finish in at least 3 hrs and 30 min. My last half, I finished in almost 4 hrs.
2. Keep my pace under 14 min per mile. Right now I'm at 13:40 per mile
3. Keep up with my interval timer
4. TRY to do 5 min run/2 min walk the whole time. NO LESS that 4 min run/2 min walk.

Heres hopin'

Wish me luck! Pray for me! I'll keep you posted!!!

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