Friday, November 7, 2014

THAT kind of week.... (by: Jess)

Have you ever had "THAT" kind of week?

The kind of week where you ask God, "Is this a joke?"

I mean......really..... this week has been hilarious!

I FINALLY scheduled myself a full body massage that my mother-in-law got me for my birthday back in August.

I told the  bone crusher massage therapist not to be scared to be firm.

WOW! I couldn't move my neck for 3 days and I think I held my breath for the full hour of the massage. So much for relaxation.

I guess I could have spoken up and politely let her know that my body was not made of silly puddy and I was on the verge of tears from the immense pain she was causing me..... but I didn't want to be rude.

(2) people cancelled their scheduled jewelry shows this week. Good-bye new jeans and brown ankle boots from JCP that I had my eye on.

I went to exercise class on Wednesday night and to my surprise we were scheduled to run a mile....


 I didn't have a coat. Or my ear-buds. Or my phone. And I just ate dinner.

THAT was a pleasant jog.


 (yes.... I just slipped some 90s slang in there.... cause that's how I roll...)

Oh..... and the nightly janitor coming out of the courthouse carrying 2 giant bags of trash who I TOTALLY plowed into was a nice addition.

Wow.... the look on his face when I came barreling towards him. Priceless.

Ummm, let's see... what else......

Oh yeah, I backed into crashed into my boss's car on Thursday night. Severe damage on my end.... moderate on his. That was a nice touch to the week.

I had parent/teacher conferences 2 nights this week which resulted in (2) 13 hrs work days.

Actually.... that's not really fair.... the conferences went really well. I have awesome students this year and all the parents who came into talk with me couldn't have been nicer.

Leo told me (again) that he "hated me" and then added this little gem... "Mom, you need to take a shower".


I put a flavor packet in my bottle of water and shook it up to mix it.

The cap wasn't on tight enough.


Speaking of water... I told myself that I was going to start drinking more water. So I researched exactly how much water I need to consume daily in order to loose weight.

There is NO WAY on God's green earth that I am going to be able to drink 80oz of water a day. "Ain't nobody got time for that".

Seriously contemplating replacing water with wine at this point.

You think I'm kidding?

I am kidding!! Seriously.... I DO have some class.....

 I meant to say vodka.

There was a lice outbreak in the HS this week. #cantstopitching

I thought I was being a real BA and over-achiever and planned, typed, and submitted lesson plans all the way up through Christmas break.

THEN I remembered that I forgot to include my mid-term exam. #re-do

I got my 1st formal evaluation this week from the man whose car I crashed into. It went well. We played a review game to prepare for a big unit test coming up. The kids did a good job and it actually was a fun game. This COULD HAVE BEEN the highlight of my week. The sunny spot among all the gray fog.


After the observation, I checked my email and read a message that was sent to the staff at 7:30am, from the man whose car I crashed into. It said this..... "please do not allow students to sit on top of counter tops, desks, or tables".

  The review game we just finished playing that the man whose car I crashed into just got done observing required students to sit on top of their desks.


I found time to cook dinner on Wednesday night.

Burnt on the bottom.

I woke up Monday morning to the realization we were out of coffee creamer.

Almost cried.

Speaking of coffee... since I didn't get to enjoy my steaming hot pumpkin spice cup o joe Monday morning, I figured I'd just wait and get a cup at work. No biggie.

Got to school. Poured a mug, Added my sugar packet and dry creamer that I had to settle for. Took a careful sip so not to scold my mouth.

Ice cold.

Yesterday's coffee.


Someone left a bag of whoppers (candy) in the teacher's lounge to share with everyone. My eyes lit up. I took some.


I got weighed and measured at my 24fit class this week.

Based on "my numbers" I'm in the 1st stage of obesity.


Based on this week.... things can only go up from here. Right?

Anyway, even though this week has (for the most part) sucked eggs, I still have this....

a dog
a job

So I can't complain too much.... ;)

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