Friday, October 3, 2014

It's STILL a Guy Thing (By: Jess)

Update on whether or not Leo loves me:


Ok. Dramatic I know, but my son is a total daddy's boy and I HATE IT!

If you are confused, please refer back to this post: It's a Guy Thing

If I'm being honest, I honestly feel at times that Leo does not love me. (unless I'm holding suckers, cookies, a sippy cup of milk, or his blankie... then he likes me a little.)

I joke about it and I laugh about it, but in reality it breaks my heart.

2 situations happened the other day and I wanted to drown myself in the toilet.

The other night Toby, I, and Leo were laying in bed. Leo was watching scooby-doo on the ipad, Toby was watching a horse sale on his ipad, and I was pinning pictures on pintrest for what I want my headstone to look like.

Leo started flopping his arm over on my face. Over and over and over and over. Literally smacking me in the face every time.

It's safe to say at this point, I was pissed. (obviously I had told him to stop 18 times prior)

I finally had had enough! I kicked the covers off, stood straight up, told him that, "I'm leaving! I am going to sleep in the guestroom! Wake me up when my alarm goes off!"

Then I stomp off.....slowly....expecting Leo to beg me to stay with him and that he was sorry.

Not the case.

He says this to me:


Stab. In the heart.

As I sulk off to the guestroom and get into bed (because I had to follow through with my threat), I hear this from my bedroom.....

"good night daddy. I love you!"

Stab. In the eyeball.

Ugh! I went to bed with a heavy heart.  and the most beautiful headstone picked out for when I finally jump off a cliff.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... but it doesn't end there, my friends.....

So I go to pick the kids up from "school". Favorite part of my day! Sometimes I cant get out of the car van fast enough!

SO I go pick them up and, like normal, they are excited to see me! Hugs and kisses are given, artwork is collected from Leo's mailbox, they both get a drink from the water fountain, Cece wants to take her shirt off cause it's now soaking from the water fountain, and we all head out the door, waving good-bye to Miss Cindy on the way out.

I strap them both in their seats and we are off.

Then I hear this from the backseat.....

"Mom, I don't like you. I want my daddy."

Stab. Into the top of my own head. While the theme song from "Psyco" plays in the background.

The rest of the ride home I didn't mutter a word, as I was trying to keep my face from falling apart.

Whoever said that "All little boys are mama's boys" can go suck an egg.

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