Sunday, December 22, 2013

New State of Mind...... By: Jess

24 years living in the state of Ohio.

8 years living in the state of South Carolina.

What a world of difference.

Living in another state than the once you were born and raised in takes a lot of getting used to. Its amazing how "everything" is different. The towns, the people, the smells, the food, the weather, the landscape, the attractions. It took me about 8 years to "get used" to living in the South, but I never really felt comfortable calling myself a true Southerner. But I really think I was getting there.....

So I'm back in the ole Buckeye State. I missed it. I really did. I missed all 4 seasons. I missed how beautiful fall really is and how magical snow is. I missed back country roads and seeing scarlet and gray everywhere. I missed Bob Evans and saying "pop". I missed school delays and the chatter around the gas pump about the next big snow storm.

Toby and I moved our family back to Ohio in September 2013. It happened REALLY fast, but when God gives you an opportunity, your stupid if you don't run with it! We had nothing… no jobs, no house, no plan. But we had our family. And that was comfort enough.

I'm thrilled to be back "home", even though I am still referring to SC as "home". Its confusing.  But, being surrounded by family and old friends again is seriously the best.

So what if we have to live with my in laws for several months.
So what if I don't have a full time job.
So what if Leo sleeps with us every now and then.
So what if my mother in law does all my laundry. (I better enjoy it now, right?!)
So what if the kids are getting spoiled beyond belief.
So what if all our possessions are in a storage truck.

It will all be worth it when we finish building our dream home and have our "lives" back.

Until then, I will endure. Cause it feels sooooooo good to be home again.

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