Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Always know..... (By: Jess)

25 things I want Leo and Cece to ALWAYS KNOW....

1. Always know that there is nothing you can't tell your Dad and I. Don't ever be scared of our reaction. Please don't ever keep secrets from us, especially secrets that can cause you harm or someone else harm. We will never turn away from you when you need us the most. Know that.

2. Always know that how you act, behave, and present yourself in public (when your dad and I are not around) reflects directly on US, as your parents. Always make sure that you both are putting us in a positive light. DO the same for yourself as well.

3. Always know that I will NEVER be proud of you if you EVER put your hands on someone else, regardless of the situation. Physical fighting is unacceptable. Period.

4. Always know that if you ever take the Lord's name in vain, there will be consequences. Dad and I will never ignore that.

5. Always know that keeping good grades in school is important, but we will never expect perfection. There will come a time where you will learn how to read, how to add, how to carry the 3, how to tell time, your address, the Gettysburg address, and the Lord's prayer. We will never rush you to learn and you will make us the most proud if you always try you absolute best.

6. Always know that one lie leads to another...and another...and another. Also, its really embarrassing to be caught in one. Avoid that circumstance if at all possible.

7. Always know that I will never care how many friends you have, just as long as you are a good friend to others. Whether you have 1 friend or 50..... be a good friend all the time.

8. Always know that we are your parents first and your friend last. No matter how old you get.

9. Always know that college is not an option. It's a requirement.

10. Always know that whenever you feel like "things can't get any worse", they always can. But, also know that "this too shall pass".

11. Always know that swearing only makes you look ignorant, foolish, mean, and ugly.

12. Always know that happiness is contagious and smiling is lots of fun!

13. Always know that things will not always go your way. That's OK. Move on and wait for it to happen again. Cause it will.

14. Always know that I have seen my fair share of bullying as a teacher. If either of you EVER bully another child I will be heartbroken, embarrassed, and so disappointed in you. NO ONE is below you and you are not above anyone else.  Also, if you ever witness bullying, ignoring it is just as bad as taking part in it.

15. Always know that YOU are YOU. Never be ashamed of who you are. Never be ashamed to be smart. Never be ashamed to wear glasses. Never be ashamed to be a little chubby. Never be ashamed to be a slow reader. Never be ashamed if you like things to be neat and organized. Never be ashamed if you have to count on your fingers when adding and subtracting. Never be ashamed if you are not a fast runner. Never be ashamed to have nice things. Never be ashamed to be proud of yourself for your accomplishments. Never be ashamed if you are successful. Never be ashamed to be average.

16. Always know that it is never, never, never, never acceptable to take a picture of a privet body part and send it to someone. EVER.

17. Leo- always know that you are the only brother Cece will ever have. Ceceilia-  you are the only sister Leo will ever have. Make that count.

18. Always know that personal hygiene is extremely important. You will visit the bathtub or shower everyday, your teeth will always be brushed, your hair will always be combed, and your clothes will always be clean.

19. Always know that "please", "thank-you", "I'm sorry", and "I love you" are very powerful words.

20. Always know that reading books opens up a whole new world.

21. Always know that God gave you your body. He would be very offended if you destroyed it, marked it all up, and shared it with anyone who wants to see it. Take care of it and only share it with people who you trust, love, and respect.

22. Always know that there are (4) people in this world that you need to constantly make proud. Yourself. Your parents. Your grandparents. God. That's it.

23. Always know that having a good a sense of humor will take you far. Never miss an opportunity to laugh at yourself, find the joy in making others laugh (or at least smirk), and always know when NOT to be funny.

24.  Always know that jealousy is a horrible feeling. Don't let it eat you alive. If you ever find yourself being jealous, take it as an opportunity. Focus on what is making you jealous and work to achieve it for yourself. If you can't achieve what is making you jealous, then be happy for the people who have achieved it.

25. Always know that common sense is something that not everyone has.....but YOU DO! Cherish it, use it, and always always choose right over wrong.

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