Monday, January 24, 2011

Growing a Human (By: Jessica)

So, I've been growing a human inside of my body for the past 7 months. It has been a very interesting experience to say the least. Everyday there is something new...a new ache, a new pain, a new feeling, a new craving, a new look, a new emotion. Overall, I can say that I have truly enjoyed being pregnant. I really have. I like new stuff. Its exciting.

But, new stuff eventually turns old, and that is what's slowly happening. I have loved being pregnant, but I'd done now. Ok. Did you hear me..... I'm donnnnnnnne now.

But, despite if Im ready to be done or not, it's really not up to me. The bumpkin still has a little cookin to do So, I will endure.

But, just for kicks and a chance to vent a is a list of things that have annoyed me beyond belief for the past 213 days......

#1. There are certain people out there who feel the need to always tell me to "just wait". I'd like to give these people a knuckle-sandwich right in their pie hole.

But, Im not that kind of girl.

"Just wait til your baby is born"

"Just wait til you have kids"

"Just wait til your a mom"

Like I have a choice? Waiting is the only thing I can do at this point.

The most annoying this about this, is that they say "just wait" like it's such a bad thing. Like I have made a TERRIBLE decision to have a baby. Like there's still time to change my mind.

They always say that phrase with a Dr. Evil type smirk and tone in their voice, like I'm about to take a giant leap into Hell.

It's kinda frighting..... like they know something I don't about having a baby. Something really, really bad. I always feel like they are laughing on the inside, sounding like a wicked queen with a scary cackle.

These people are just annoying.

#2- There are also people who feel the need to rub my belly like a crystal ball. Just typing that out got on my nerves.

#3- People who laugh at me when I get excited for things baby related. Yes, there are people out there who have done this. (these people usually end up converting quickly to the people refered to in #1) They seem to think it's funny that I am looking forward to sleepless nights, hundreds of diaper changes, the pain of childbirth, being covered in baby vomit, and the endless sound of a baby's cry. Laugh at me all you want....but I have waited a long time to experience these things.... so bite me.

#4- When people tell me to go ahead and eat whatever I want because I have an excuse. Not really, losers. Fat is still fat and just because Im pregnant dosen't mean that it won't stick to me. Im still gonna have to loose it one way or another. Durrrrr.

Ok.. I'm gonna stop now. I feel like I am doing more bitching instead of simple venting, and I'm starting to annoy myself.

Like I said before, I have enjoyed being pregnant. But, I'm done now. Im ready to hold Leo (yes.. that's his name, not his astrological sign.....that would have been #5....) and kiss his little head and hold his little hand. Being pregnant has been nice, but (and I'm just guessing here...) I'm assuming being a mommy will be even better.

But, I guess I'll have to "just wait" .


  1. Honestly, if you are half the mother that you are a teacher, which I know you will be, then you have one blessed child. I laugh EVERY day at something my children say, and they can always bring a smile to my face. So, those are the "just wait" moments because there are more than them then anything else. So happy for you ~

  2. Thanks, Cindy! Esp for the POSITIVE "just wait" comment! I needed that! Love ya!
