Thursday, May 23, 2013

I'm THAT....... (By: Jess)

I'm THAT mom who.....
- could never handle being a SAHM
- shops second-hand for clothes
- gives her kids too many toys
- doesn't feel guilty  feels guilty about giving 2 year old McDonalds, or CHick-fil-a
- uses TV as a babysitter
- Loves her kids so much it scares me
- gives toys, clothes, and other items away as soon as they become useless. 
- hates a snotty nose/dirty face
-has a routine
- is obsessed with cleaning out my kids ears and trimming their fingernails
- Who never thinks she is never  doing enough
- gets very bored, very easily when playing with my kids
- Loves family outings
- Gets embarrassed and feels judged when my kids cry in public
- Didn't breastfeed
-uses t-shirts as a Kleenex
- looks forward to (kids) bedtime
- Keeps memorabilia
-spanks when necessary
- Keeps baby books up to date
- Does the best I can
-wants no one to be mean to my kids....ever
-is always questioning myself
- talks baby-talk to much
- puts kids picts on FB to much

I'm THAT wife who....
- hates to clean
- does all the cooking/shopping
- keeps up with appointments
- does not handle finances
- Always tries to impress the hubs
- Still loves dates
- Goes to bed first
- encourages guys nights
- takes girls nights
- is a team player
- tries my best not to nag
- trusts entirely
- will never be an Ex
- should include God more
- is supportive
- thinks golfing is sexy
- doesn't work alone
- gets frustrated
- is terrified of my husband dying
- never has to drive, pack the car van, or mow the lawn

I'm THAT teacher who......
- multi-tasks all the time
- loves projects
- has a rubric for everything
- doesn't like white space on the walls
- want everything to have a purpose
- is very "real"
- is very sarcastic
- uses humor
- gets frustrated
- is expected to work miracles
- is overworked and underpaid
- loves her co-workers
- enjoys my job
- picks my battles
- Understands
- is creative
- gets bored easily
- who hates a test
- grades everything
- is not a genius and doesn't try to be
-is never thanked enough
- gets defensive
- talks loud
- plans ahead
- is a little annoying
- loves a snow day
- loves a Friday
- hates a Monday
- will always volunteer to chaperone a school trip
- will come early and stay late
- will not give 1,000 chances
- will tell the truth
- trips in class too much
- is STARVING at 10am and 3pm
- Supports school sports
- is scared of the future of education

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