Saturday, September 19, 2015

The Things You Say.

Leo is 4
Cece is 3

The things that they say are the highlight of my day!

 I wish I could remember it all!!

 Every hilarious word used incorrectly, every word pronounced wrong, every crazy question, every angry comment, every heart breaking statement, every sweet phrase.

There are so many times a day when one of them says something and I look around to see if anyone else heard what I did...... and I am the only adult in the room. THAT is frustrating because 95% of the time, I forget to share that moment with Toby or my mom or mother in law or the butcher.

I thought that I would attempt to jot down all the memorable things that Cece and Leo are saying or have said in the past 3 months.

 I don't ever want to forget these and I'm sure they will find joy is reading this post someday and hopefully it will make them smile.

"Mom, I love you" (aboput every 20  min) - Cece Grace

"Mom, Your my best friend" - Cece Grace

"YOU'RE NOT MY BEST FEIEND ANYMORE!" (After she gets in trouble) -Cece Grace

"I love you so hard" - Cece Grace

"I super super love you" - Cece Grace

"Mom, don't ever go away" - Cece Grace

Will you seep with me?" - Cece Grace

Substituting the word "me" for "I" - Cece Grace (ex: "Me going to go to bed. Me tired.)

"Dance cass!!!" - Cece Grace

"I have the die-a-wee-a" - Cece Grace

"My butt is squishy" - Leo Beck

"Get all cuddy (cuddley) " - Cece Grace

"I don't believe it!" - Leo Beck when he gets in trouble

"Not again!" - Lero Beck when he gets in trouble

"That hurt my feelings"- Both of them

"Is it Mommy's Day? " - Both of them

"I wanna watch the bunny rabbit" - Leo Beck when referring to Bugs Bunny

"Hugh-ee-a-dew-ee" - Both of them when they call out for our "pet ducks" from the pond (Hewy, Dewy, and Louie)

"Holy Cow!" - Leo Beck

"Are you watching the man go down the hole?" - Both of them when referring to the Netflix show, "Prison Break"

"Im not Cecile! I'm Cece!" - Cece Grace

"Its mine! It says, "C-E-C-E"! - Cece Grace when Leo takes her stuff

"Did you bring a special treat?" - Both of them when I pick them up from school
"I sure do love you!" - Both of them

"Mommy, God did that!" - Both of them when they see a pink sky during a sunset

"We don't say, "Oh My God", we say "Oh My Gosh"- Both of them

"I'm telling Papa Ogle on you" - Leo Beck when I do something he doesn't like

My hope is that when I read through these in 15 years I will still be able to hear their little, sweet, unable to pronounce their "r's", innocent voices in my head!

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