Saturday, December 31, 2011
It's a BRAND NEW YEAR! (By:Jess)
It's always a bitter sweet holiday for me.
I love it and I hate it.
I love it because of all the parties and the excuse to have an extra drink......... or 5! I love it because it gives me a "start fresh" feeling and I always feel the need to get really organized this time of year! I love it because I have an excuse to force myself to stay up til midnight and lay a big wet one on my hubby! (like I NEED an excuse! lol!) I love cooking a huge crockpot of sauerkraut and sausage, hoping for good luck, just so I take ONE BIG BITE with my nose plugged so I can't taste the sauerkraut! I love all the hype on TV and watching all the "year in review" clips that are complied. I love the tradition and nostalgia of "Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin Eve", even though seeing Mr. Clark now makes me a little sad. I love hearing Auld Lang Syne and getting a little teary. Yeah, I guess New Year's has it's perks.
But, I sometimes hate New Years. I hate trying to make HUGE plans, and they NEVER live up to what I had imagined in my head. I hate saying "goodbye" anything. One year gone means one year that will never come back. :( I hate the thought of all the crazy party animals on the road who probably had too much to drink. Scary thought. I hate trying to get used to writing the new year. It always take me months to finally get used to the fact that it's a new year.
But, since I consider myself a somewhat positive, glass-is-half-full type of gal, I will try my best to focus my attention on the 1st half of this blog.
As I sit here, thinking back on 2011, here is a (quick) list of all the things that have occurred in my life the past 365 days.
1. Leo Beck Rolfes entered. Amazing.
2. I dyed my hair dark
3. We got 2 new cars. (correction: TOBY got 2 new cars)
4. I started a monthly meal schedule.
5. I found a new passion for photography, piggy banks, and walking.
6. "On Second Thought" was created.
7. Merry Maids is now part of my family.
8. We joined a small group at church which has been a huge blessing.
9. I dyed my hair back to light
10. I discovered Pintrest.
11. I found a new "drink"....Disaronno on the rocks with cranberry juice. Delish.
12. I can say, in completely honesty, that everything in our closets have a need and purpose.
13. I endured the pain of a level 3 episiotomy, having a crown put on my tooth, and the realization that Edward Cullen is off the market.
I'm sure there is more. I mean, I KNOW there is more. And probably more that is more important and less petty..... but I said a "quick list" if I remember correctly. If I had all the time in the world to sit here and reminisce, I'm sure I would have a much more lengthy and relevant list. I'm doin the best I can here..... it's only a matter of time until my 9 month old tries to stick his finger in the light socket or eat some of the dogs kibbles. So...anyway......
Good-bye 2011. You have been great, really. You gave a little and took a little. I will always remember you.
Welcome 2012! I accept you with open arms and an open heart! Come on it, make yourself at home, and stay awhile! I'm sure you have a lot in store! I can't wait to see what it is!
How Ya Feelin'? (By: Jess)
Size of Baby
a kiwi
Will not know until March.!! (I have a feeling it's a little lady!)
Still throwin' around a few, but I've got (2) girl names pegged down. I love them both so much that I honestly think we may have to draw out of a hat to decide! I also have (2) boy names being pondered, but for some reason I am paying more attention to the lady names.
I feel little "bumps", but I think it's gas!! :)
Sleep Report
Not easy. A lot of tossin and turin and I expect it only to get worse! Huge shout out to my BIL for the sleep body pillow he gave me for Christmas! LOVE IT! I didn't have one when I was growing Leo, and I remember really, really wanting one the next time I was pregnant! Oh, and been having some crazy a$$ dreams.
What I miss
Nothing really, just.....Red wine, Blue Moon, my skinny jeans, stable moods, extra caffine, sushi, Hydroxy cut, prozac, looking and feelin hot, my positivity, and my energy supply!
Lemonheads, root beer floats, and fast food.
Weird Happenings
feeling more nauseated with this baby then I did with Leo. I've been a lot more weepy. Also, my waistline seemed to widen a lot sooner than with Leo. (see above)
Good Advise..... or bad.
Good- My friend, Laura, told me that she thinks it's great that Leo will not know what life is like without a sibling. She said "Leo and the new baby will be best friends". I think she's right. I like that.
Bad- If ONE MORE PERSON tells me "You are going to have your hands full" I think I may give them a high five, in the face, with a chair. Thank you, Captain Obvious.
Best Moment(s) so far
Hearing heartbeat for 1st time. Always a great moment.
My Dr. telling me, "This is the best surprise ever!!"
Telling our parents (in person this time!)
Weekly. I'm not allowed to take my "medicine" while I'm with child, so my moods and hormones are all over the place. I swear my husband is scared to come home from work sometimes. Bless him. Seriously Lord...please bless him.
What I am looking forward to
Finding out the gender!
How many weeks left
28. Oui!
Getting Prepared
Trying to decide how much time I wanna take off work
Looking at baby girl bedding online.....just in case! *wink wink*
On the lookout for a double stroller.
Current Mental Status
A Hot Mess.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Confessions..... Part 2 (By Jess)
Check it out. It's awesome.
"E" does a "midweek confessions" page that I look forward to reading every week.
She makes me smile and allows me to realize that I am not that weird, nor am I alone in any way posible!
Thanks, E!
I feel the need to come clean......
1. I feel like my Christmas Decorations on the front of my house this year look ghetto.
2. I totally am starting to go to school with totally wrinkled clothes. Gasp. I'm trying to get over it, but I am having a hard time.
3. I ate fast food for BREAKFAST and LUNCH last week. Ick.
4. I told Leo to "stop acting like a baby" last night. I am the devil.
5. While starting to pack Leo's suitcase for our trip to Ohio for the holiday's, I didn't fold anything. I just threw everything in, willy-nilly. What's happening to me?!?
6. I have ignored a lot of calls recently. Sorry if one of them was you.
7. My nails (fingers and toes) are embarrassing.
8. I finally convinced my husband to PAY someone to clean my house. PRAISE THE LORT!
9. We haven't been to church in weeks....cause..... I. Have. No. Idea.
10. I took a day off work last week to "get myself in order" (in the words of Mrs. Jo Patterson). The ONLY thing I accomplished was making cookies.
11. Leo's crib sheets totally do not match his bedding. It's driving me nuts.
12. Sometimes finding socks that go with my outfit is the most difficult part of getting ready.
13. I almost forgot to put Gertie on our Christmas card and I hated myself for it. Terrible mother!
14. I have totally and completely abandoned my diet on all accounts.
That's all for now. I feel (slightly) better. Thanks.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
On 2nd Thought: Confessions. (By: Jess)
Confessions. (By: Jess)
REALLY know them?
Here are 50 confessions I bet you didn't know about me....
1. I HATE cleaning.
2. I can be very lazy when it comes to shaving my legs.
3. I love my dog way tooooooo much.
4. When I get mad, I cry.
5. I hardly ever cry when I'm sad.
6. I'm not very sympathetic.
7. I have several bad habits.
8. I spend money I NEVER have.
9. I have NO IDEA how to shop.
10. I am sooooo wasteful...especially with food.
11. I could easily have a drinking problem if I let myself.
12. I compare myself to others way toooooo much.
13. I struggle with jealousy.
14. I struggled with Post-Partum depression.
15. I got terrible grades in High School and great grades in College.
16. I get speeding tickets all the time.
17. I text and drive way tooooooo much.
18. Being a mom hasn't changed my life that much.
19. I could care less about politics.
20. I don't sleep very well.
21. I wish my family was closer. (emotionally, not physically)
22. I'm starting to forget things about my dad.
23. When I think about past heartbreaks, my heart still hurts over them.
24. I love airports.
25. I will never be totally happy with my body.
26. I try so hard to be a strong Christian, but don't think I will ever be as strong as I would like to be.
27. Cooking helps me release stress.
28. Working out makes my body thicker.
29. It's taking me FOREVER to find "my decorating style".
30. I can never find the perfect shade of lipstick.
31. I am most proud of myself when I am at work.
32. My husband will always think I'm beautiful.
33. My twin sister and I are so different.....yet so alike.
34. I was never Homecoming Queen....but really, really wanted to be.
35. Sometimes I feel so ugly.
36. Sometimes I feel so pretty.
37. I am not good at confrontation, but am really good at expressing my feelings through written words.
38. I get offended and my feelings get hurt when people don't return my text messages or emails.
39. I'd rather not talk on the phone.
40. Facebook is way tooooo important to me.
41. I put 80% of classroom responsibility on my students.
42. I am very average.
43. I have no real talents.
44. I never had a real boyfriend until I was in my 20's.
45. I never even thought about getting married until I met my husband.
46. I was not a fan of my wedding dress.
47. I am TOTALLY CLUELESS about the game of football.
48. I would LOVE to go back to school and become a nurse.
49. I hate being treated like a child.
50. I have serious self-esteem issues.
There you have it. Anything shock you??
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Santa's got a brand new bag. (By: Jess)
There is something about this day that has always intrigued me. Something about it that I want to be apart of. Maybe it is the overflow of "Christmas Cheer". Maybe it is the rush of a "good deal". Maybe it is the idea of cheating death. I don't know what it is about this very special day. But I do know that I totally love it.
Every year I make it my mission to get up at 2am, head "somewhere", and buy (1) item that I can't live without. Just one.
One year it was a air popcorn popper.
Another year it was a king sized down comforter.
Once I was thrilled to buy a set of 8 cookie sheets for only $2.
I adore getting up when it's still dark, getting a giant mug of coffee (flavored with gingerbread creamer, of course! Tis' the season...) , driving to the mall blaring Christmas music, pulling into the mall parking lot and walking to the mall entrance in total silence, then....
In a very dramatic way......
Thrusting open the mall doors and being slapped in the face with the hustle and bustle of
It's almost like I can hear a choir singing....."HALLELUJAH"!
As I squint my eyes from the bright mall lights, and look around at the insane Black Friday shoppers, I think to myself, "These are my people. I am at home".
I didn't partake in the glorious shopping tradition last year cause I was pregnant and not in my right mind....
But this year there is no messing around. Maria, Jennifer, and I are going full throttle. We've been "studying" for weeks Mapping out our route. Planning stops. We're goin in for the kill.
Maria is the "professional". She's dead serious about this. She's pulled a shopping all-nighter before. She informed us that we have to be at out destinations AT LEAST 2 hrs. before doors open and sales start. She demanded we have our lists ready. We take her advise very seriously. She knows.
Jennifer is a Black Friday virgin. She's terrified. She gets scared when we sneak gas station drinks into the movies, so I can't wait to see the fear in her eyes when the "race begins". I honestly think that she's scared of getting injured. Which might very well happen. I think it's hysterical. She's basically just coming along for the ride and to keep us entertained while we wait in line.
I'm the planner. I've studied and studied the ad's. I've mapped out our trip several times. I've written out my list 4 times, and still have to organize my items by order of importance before 8pm tonight. I've set rules for this venture. #1. You must wear a track suite. #2. You must buy at least one thing at every destination. #3. NO ONE gets left behind. (especially Jennifer)
I can just picture it now:
We burst through the doors. Maria darts off in a serious mission to get an item off her list. We don't see her again for hours. Jennifer and I are left behind (1st broken rule) to fend for ourselves. Jennifer is clinging to me with a vice death grip, as if we are walking the plank. I, on the other hand, just have this HUGE silly, caffeine- induced grin on my face, as I take it all in. Before I can really bask in the moment, I am jerked back into reality by Jennifer's screams, as we are forced apart by the angry crowds. As we try our hardest to keep ahold of each others hands, our fingertips are forced apart and Jennifer just finds the fetal position and weeps.
Our Route
8pm be at Walmart. Sales start at 10pm.
From there, head to Kohls. Sales start at midnight. We MUST be in line NO LATER than 11pm. No dill-dallying at Walmart.
From Kohls we are headed to Old Navy, then JCP, and our last destination will be Kmart. Their sales start at 5pm. We will top it all off with breakfast at waffle House and then home to sleep. Synchronize your watches. Ready......BREAK.
My List
Bath towels at Walmart for $1.28 (no way in Hades was I getting my paws on these!)
Memory Foam bath mats at WalMart for $7 (got 4!)
30 piece tupperware set at Walmart for $7 (got 3!)
Wax Warmer at Walmart for $9 (got 1)
Infant V-Tech toys at Walmart for $10 (nope :( )
All Christmas decor at Kohls is 60% off (Nutcracker for my sissy!)
Christmas nite lights at Kohls for $7 (got it!)
Christmas Rugs at Kohls for $5 (found better deal at Kmart on these)
Bath towels at Kohls for $3 (got 10 bath, hand and washcloths)
Slippers at Kohls for $7 (got them!)
Gumball machine at Kohls for $10 (nope :( )
Initial stocking at Kohls for $6 (didn't like once I saw them)
Large Jar candles at Kohls for $4 (got 3!)
8 washcloths at Kohls for $3 (got 2 packs!)
Towels at Kmart for $2 (didn't need)
Fisher price toys BOGO at Kmart (nope :) )
30 piece Tupperware set at Kmart for $4 (didn't need)
Block set at Kmart for $10 (sold out :) )
At 8pm..... WE RIDE. God speed.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
12 for 12. (By: Jess)
1. Finish Leo's quilt....that I started in May.

2. Make THIS, THIS, THIS, and THIS
3. Make totally awesome Christmas Cookie/Goodie platters for work!
4. Finish Nora Robert's "Bridal Quartet" series. (If I don't finish soon, I will owe the county library $1,000!)
5. Walk 3xs a week.
6. Find cute Christmas rugs for my kitchen. I've been looking since LAST YEAR for ones I really, really like.
7. Walk/run in the Reindeer Run
8. Have a Christmas party or a Wine and Cheese party.
9. Clean. Out. My. Closet.
10. Do not break any plans that I make with people. (I am terrible at this!)
11. Pray before every meal.
12. Continue to tweek my monthly meal calandar. It is fun, empowering, and makes me proud.
Do you have any goals to meet before the new year is upon us? Join me in reaching our goals!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Friday, October 14, 2011
Because I'm SO interesting. (By: Jess)
So something close to that......
Lol! Enjoy. Or not. Whatever.
By the way....check out Ashley's blog.... . Her writing will move you. I promise.
A-Age: 31
B. Bed size: King!! But sometimes I think it’s too big. I feel so far away from Tobias!
C. Chore that you hate: Dusting. Gertie tries to chase the dust rag while I am wiping stuff down and it’s just annoying.
D. Dogs: Gertrude (Gertie) Louise Rolfes
E. Essential start to your day: Coffee!!!!! (with Chi Latte creamer. Sweet Goodness.)
F. Favorite color: Black or Green
G. Gold or Silver: Both!
H. Height: 5’4
I. Instruments you play: New Years Eve noise maker. Thanks to Mark Koeppen for teaching me that skill.
J. Job title: Teacher.
K. Kids: A blue-eyed babydoll, named Leo Beck.
L. Live: Simpsonville, South Carolina
M. Mother’s name: Jean
N. Nicknames: Jess (by mainly anyone who I call a “friend”), Babe (by my husband), Jessie (By my mom, aunts, and Grandma Marge), Ogle (By my HS friends….I hate this!), Skid (By Jayme. I hate this more. )
O. Overnight hospital stays: When Leo entered this world!
P. Pet peeves: Complaining, negativity, bragging, and always wanting sympathy.
Q. Quote from a movie: ANYTHING from Christmas Vacation!
R. Right or left handed: Left handed
S. Siblings: Jill….twin!
U. Underwear: All the time!
V. Vegetable you hate: Least favorite is carrots, but I will eat them at times!
W. What makes you run late: Watching my DVRed shows in the morning or spending too much time on FB in the morning. Gets me everytime!
X. X-Rays you’ve had: Ankle, wrists, mouth
Y. Yummy food that you make: Apple crisp, pumpkin-butterscotch muffins, lemon cookies, strawberry pie.
Z. Zoo animal: Elephant
If I were to get pregnant again: I would be thrilled and a little surprised and scared and PRAY so hard for a girl!
If I could have any job in the world I'd be: a nurse (but I do enjoy my current profession, so I guess I’ll keep it!)
If I had a day to myself I would: Sleep in, Clean, shop, go out to eat, spend time with my husband, go to the gym, cook, bake
If I could get married all over again I would: have a photobooth and a different dress! Everything else can be the exact same!
If I could live anywhere in the US I would: Live closer to my family.
If Leo would have been a girl, he would've been named: Eva Jean.
If I could have any talent in the world I would like to be: A fantastic singer or a Broadway star!
If you met me in real life you'd be shocked at: My bad habits.
If I could go back to school: It would have to be FREE
If money were not an object : My husband and I would never argue!
If I could meet one celebrity I think I would want to meet: Jake Gylenhall
If I could only shop at one store for the rest of my life it'd probably be: JCP or ROSS
If we get another pet: it would never take the place of Gertie!
If I could go on a trip, RIGHT NOW, I'd want to go to: Hawaii or NYC
If I had to choose between a house cleaner and a personal chef, I'd pick: the house cleaner.
If I had the option of plastic surgery I'd get: Something done to my face. Eye lift or chin implant or my face made thinner.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Lyrics. (By: Jess)
I love music. All kinds. I laugh at myself sometimes when I listen to my ipod, cause there is such a random mix of music, it's humorous.
I can go from listening to a foul-mouthed hip-hop song, to a twangy country song, to a tear-jerking Christian song, to a fun-lovin' 50's tune. Exhausting, sometimes.
One place where my love of music really has a chance to come through is in my classroom.
I have exactly 100 CD's in my classroom. (Thanks, Dad!) All my CD's are organized in a bad-a** CD holder. (Thanks, Dad!) Everyday, I choose a random student to pick a number 1-100. Whatever number they choose, is the number of CD I play.
The kids love it............ sometimes.
When they are forced to listen to The Best of Peter, Paul, and Mary, Enya, Kenny G, Billy Joel, or The Greatest Hits from AndrewLoyd Webber, I sometimes hear moans and groans. "Do you have any Lady GaGa?", is what I normally hear!
I always tell them that by the time this school year is over, they will be very cultured!!
I tell them to go home tonight and tell their parents that they listend to Phil Collins, Lesley Gore, The Marcells, Beethoven, Michael Bolton, or Cher in Social Studies class and see what they say! Great "dinner-table conversation"!
Anyway- Today I gave a test. (I heart test days! So relaxing!) On test days, I get to choose the music!!!! SO many choices!!
So today, I chose to play some Savage Garden.
My MOST FAVORITE song of all time is by Savage Garden. I adore the song, Affirmation. Not only do I love the beat of the music, but I love the lyrics even more. These lyrics are SO MEANINGFUL and give me goose bumps every time I hear them. Bravo to the songwriter of this amazing song. Things like this make me smile.
I believe the sun should never set upon an argument
I believe we place our happiness in other people's hands
I believe that junk food tastes so good because it's bad for you
I believe your parents did the best job they knew how to do
I believe that beauty magazines promote low self esteem
I believe I'm loved when I'm completely by myself alone
I believe in karma what you give is what you get returned
I believe you can't appreciate real love 'til you've been burned
I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side
I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye
I believe you can't control or choose your sexuality
I believe that trust is more important than monogamy
I believe your most attractive features are your heart and soul
I believe that family is worth more than money or gold
I believe the struggle for financial freedom is unfair
I believe the only ones who disagree are millionaires
I believe forgiveness is the key to your own happiness
I believe that wedded bliss negates the need to be undressed
I believe that God does not endorse TV evangelists
I believe in love surviving death into eternity
Thursday, September 22, 2011
"La Mia Famiglia"...(By: Jess)
Because maybe then will people truly understand how important family is.
Maybe then people will understand what it is like to miss your family so much, it hurts your soul.
Maybe then people will not take each other for granted so much and treasure the time they spend together.
That is how I feel about my family.
Ever since I moved away from them (7 years ago) I have missed them ever since.
When I come home to visit (which isn't as often as I would like) I don't think they realize how excited I become or how much it really means to me.
When I pull my car into that familar town, I can barely turn off the engine and unbuckle my seatbelt fast enough! Seeing my Mom and sister is always the 1st thing I do (followed by a big hug and kiss),but then seeing all my cousins and "crazy aunts" is always next on my list.
When I come home, I feel just that. HOME.
Sometimes I think I have unrealistic expectations when I come home, regarding all the family time I expect to have. Because everytime I leave, I never feel like I got my "fix". I never feel like I got to spend enough time with everyone. I never feel fully fullfilled.
I don't think my family truly understands how much they mean to me or how much I value the whole concept of "FAMILY".
I'm a huge nerd when it comes to family. I love a big family and I happen to be blessed with one.....and all the baggage that comes with it! I love everyone getting together on birthdays, holidays, and weekends to eat, drink, and be merry! I love family get-togethers and celebrations! I love laughing, playing games, talking, and storytelling with my family! My Aunts kitchen table is my favorite place to be when I am home and coffee and dessert are ALWAYS consumed there. Dinner-time is my favorite time of day when I am home because it (usually) involves all my family members getting together....and when it dosen't happen, it frustrates me to no end.
Nobody can make me feel as accepted as my family can. They didn't choose me. I didn't choose them. We didn't choose each other. God did, and who is to ever question Him?
Below are some quotes that I love....concerning family. My hope is that by reading this, you (whoever you are...) will think of your family and love them and remember them and thank God for giving you them.
I don't care how poor a man is; if he has family, he's rich. ~Dan Wilcox and Thad Mumford, "Identity Crisis," M*A*S*H
The family is a haven in a heartless world. ~Attributed to Christopher Lasch
Families are like fudge - mostly sweet with a few nuts. ~Author Unknown
When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses.~Joyce Brothers
You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them. ~Desmond Tutu
Blood's thicker than water, and when one's in trouble Best to seek out a relatives open arms.~Author Unknown
To us, family means putting your arms around each other and being there. ~Barbara Bush
When our relatives are at home, we have to think of all their good points or it would be impossible to endure them. ~George Bernard Shaw
Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one. ~Jane Howard
Our most basic instinct is not for survival but for family. Most of us would give our own life for the survival of a family member, yet we lead our daily life too often as if we take our family for granted. ~Paul Pearshall
'Ohana means family - no one gets left behind, and no one is ever forgotten. ~Chris Sanders and Dean DeBlois, Lilo & Stitch
The great gift of family life is to be intimately acquainted with people you might never even introduce yourself to, had life not done it for you. ~Kendall Hailey, The Day I Became an Autodidact
Family is just accident.... They don't mean to get on your nerves. They don't even mean to be your family, they just are. ~Marsha Norman
I can say whatever I want about my family. That doesn't mean you can. - Unknown
At the end of the day, a loving family should find everything forgivable. ~Mark V. Olsen and Will Sheffer, Big Love, "Easter"
Other things may change us, but we start and end with the family.~Anthony Brandt
A secret note to my family.....
Amo tutti voi. Voi sapete chi siete. Non rovinare il Natale. Mi ci vogliono tutti per stare insieme. Questo è tutto ciò che conta. Siete tutti importanti per me e vi amo tutti così tanto. Capirlo e fatemi sapere cosa è il piano. Ci vediamo presto!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Guilt. (By: Jess)
It seems like I feel guilty all the time. Basically, whenever I am not with Leo or taking care of him or doing something that directly involves him, I'm feeling guilty.
I am totally aware of how crazy this sounds. But it's the honest truth.
Here are some examples of times I feel the most guilty....
- When my husband gets up with Leo at night. This would make the average person feel great and thankful that they have a husband who is willing to take his turn and help out when needed. Not me. When Toby gets up in the middle of the night to soothe Leo or rock him or re-position him in his crib, I lay in bed the entire time thinking about how guilty I feel for not getting up and doing it myself. I feel like a "bad mom" and feel lazy and selfish. Is it lazy and selfish of me to lay in bed and let Toby get up? ABSOLUTELY NOT. But, I feel like it is. Am I a "bad mom" if I lay in bed and let Toby tend to the baby? NO WAY JOSE! But, I feel like I am. OK....the secret is out..... I have issues.
- I feel guilty when I drop Leo off at the babysitters in the morning and leave to go to work. I feel like I am saying to his babysitter....."Here. Take him. You raise him while I go to my job and raise other people's kids for 8 hrs. Let me know if he says his first words or takes his first steps, cause I'm sure I will miss it." (Believe me....I am totally aware of how stupid this sounds. I'm just telling you how I feel.)
- I feel guilty when I am a few minutes late picking Leo up from the babysitters because I was chatting with co-workers after work. ACTUALLY......correction: I WOULD FEEL GUILTY if I was a few minutes late picking Leo up from the babysitters because I was chatting with co-workers after work. I have yet to do this....mainly because I would feel guilty if I did.
- I feel guilty when I drop Leo off at the gym daycare so I can get in a quick 60 minute workout. It makes me feel bad because I have not seen him all day long and when I finally get to hang out with him in the evening, after 3 hours or so, I'm ready for an hour of alone time already. Am I selfish or what????
Seriously.......... is this selfish? Guilt trip.
- I feel guilty when I take Leo to football games and I let my friends, Kerri and Josh, hold Leo for practically the entire game. I swear they want to.......... they tell me they do....... They ohhh and awwe over him and can't seem to get enough of him. They seem to enjoy him. But, I just can't get over the fact that they are just doing that to be nice and they are secretly thinking....."Gosh, is Jessica ever gonna come and get her kid??"
- I feel guilty when my in-laws come to visit or when my mom or sister come to visit and they stay home and babysit for Leo while Toby and I go out for dinner and drinks. I feel totally guilt-ridden because I am usually sooooooo flippin excited to hit the town, alone, with my husband! I am totally aware of the fact that this is what they WANT to to. Let's be honest.....they are not traveling 8+ hours to visit Toby and I. They are here to see and spend time with Leo. So why do I feel guilty when I allow them to babysit?? I. Have. No. Idea.
- I feel guilty when Leo gets sick or gets a stuffy nose. Yes, I have common sense, and know that it's called "the common cold" for a reason, but I can't get over the fact that maybe my house isn't clean enough or maybe I didn't dress him warm enough or he's sick because I didn't breastfeed or I don't disinfect his toys often enough or I take him too many places..... I'm guilty of being a bad mom! (Even though I'm smiling while I write this, I'm dead serious. This is honestly how I feel and think. I know how funny it sounds!)
- I feel guilty when Toby is spending quality time with Leo in the evenings giving him a bath and I am sitting on the couch sipping a glass of red wine, catching up on my mess of reality shows, and facebooking. Let me just mention that ONE TIME I gave Leo a bath before Toby got home from work and caught heck for it! Giving Leo a bath is something Toby looks forward to doing and actually gets angry with me if I don't let HIM do it. So, why do I feel guilty allowing Leo some Daddy time? You tell me!!!
I'm hoping that all this "feeling guilty" crap comes with motherhood and I'm assuming it's not going to get any better, but worse. Joy. This is defiantly something I was not prepared for. As soon as that Lil guy was born, I immediately started feeling guilty. The first wave of guilt hit me like a ton of bricks when the nurse in the hospital informed me that she changed Leo's wet and dirty diaper while I was asleep. Since then, the waves kept coming like the shores of the Outter Banks. Oh the agony.
On a positive note.....maybe the fact that I feel guilty if a good thing. Maybe it means that I am....dare I say it.....a Good Mom? I mean, if I didn't feel guilty, wouldn't that be weird?
Overall, I've come to somewhat of a conclusion. My conclusion is this......
I will never feel like I do enough as Leo's mom.
I will (probably) forever spend the rest of my life TRYING to be the best mommy to Leo Beck Rolfes and (probably) never achieve that goal.
No matter what I do, it will never be good enough, because he will always deserve better.
Ya know what..... as crazy as it may sound.... I think that's the best thing I can do for Leo. I can always strive to be better. Leo is pretty darn lucky to have a mom who tries as hard as I do, huh?
I guess feeling guilty does have it's perks..... even if it the most annoying emotion on the face of the planet.
Clutter Thinking...... (By: Jess) too. I need to "De-Clutter".
Here is just a random list of the clutter that is taking up precious space in my mind.....
1. Beach trip this summer?
2. When will we get to go to Vegas again?
3. When will my Mom be able to come for a visit?
4. What can I do to spice up my classroom lectures?
5. I need to go shopping! I actually have money to spend!
6. Next time I get my hair colored, I'm going darker.
7. So excited about the "Biggest Loser" competition at school.
8. Why does Leo have another cold?
9. I shouldn't have taken Leo for a walk yesterday. Must have been too chilly. (see #8)
10. I'm getting a mani and pedi in a couple weeks and NO ONE (I mean NO ONE) is gonna stop me.
11. I'm excited to get a new dress for Keenland the weekend of Oct. 8th
12. I wonder if Mark and Whitney will come to Keenland in Oct.? Lindsey and Brent?
13. I need to contact that lady about taking Leo's 6 mo. picts.
14. I wonder what we will wear for our fall family picture?
15. I'm loving the new marriage series going on at our church right now.
16. I need to buy flank steak and peppers in adobo sauce.
17. I wish someone would buy our house.
18. I'm excited for our weekend away in Feb.
19. What should Toby and I be for Halloween?
20. I need to order Leo's Halloween costume.
21. I want to get some pumpkins soon.
22. Wonder when my new contacts will be in?
23. I want to make that new peanut butter cup cookie recipe.
24. I really want to have a wine and cheese party.
25. I need to get my Thanksgiving menu started......
26. I'm pumped for my 1st 5K coming up!
27. Will I ever be totally happy with my hair?
28. I wonder how my classroom looks after missing 2 1/2 days of school...... ugh.
29. I really want to go visit my cousin in PA and go to NYC while I am there.
30. I can't wait til Leo's backpack is here that I ordered!
31. I need to go to walmart....I'm sure of it.....for something.
32. I need to thaw some chicken.
33. Why are my lips so chapped?
34. I miss Melanie a lot sometimes.
35. I need to update my Netflix with all the movies I want to see.
36. Why am I such a slow reader?
37. I need to vacuum.
38. I need to looking into getting a housekeeper.
39. Is Leo teething?
40. I need to call Rosie back or at least send her a note in the mail with some pictures.
41. I need to start making my Christmas lists.
Ok. Enough for now. That made me tired, which was the point. Now I can go to bed. I wonder what I'll dream about tonight? Last night dream about Leo getting an entire set of teeth in one day had a lot to be desired. Tonight better be more interesting.....
Does the "clutter thinking" ever stop?
Gosh, I need to add parsley to my grocery list.......
Friday, September 9, 2011
Request for parents...... (By: Jess)
If you are the parents of a bully......and you are aware of it.....shame on you.
If you are the parents of a bully......and you are not aware of it......shame on you.
These kids make me want to scream, cry, pull my hair out, and stomp my feet.
I also want to pray for them. Very hard. Cause these are the types of people who need it the most.
Unfortunately, there are so many bullies in this world. They are all races, male and female, and come in all ages. Bullies are old and young, round and slim, perfect and awkward, strong and weak. Sometimes you can recognize a bully just by looking at them, and something they can shock the pee outta you.
I think everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) has been bullied at some point in their life, in some from or another.
I also think everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) has bullied someone, at some point in their life, in some form or another, whether they have realized it or not.
I can remember specific times when I was bullied. I can remember being called four-eyes. I can remember being picked last for the team. I can remember being placed with the "bluebirds". (AKA: the slow-reader class) and being made fun of for it. I can remember being called a "spoiled brat" (by a family member). I can remember being ignored by girls at school.... for no reason. I remember a girl pretending to be my friend and wanting to talk to me, only to lure me away from the group I was with and attempt to "beat me up" because she was jealous of the boy I was dating. I remember trying SO HARD to be friends with certain girls and they just didn't want to be my friend. I remember rumors that were spread about me. I can remember a boy at a Jr. High dance requesting the song, "I Hate Everything About You" and dedicating it to me. Yeah..... kids can be mean. And people don't forget things like this.
I also remember the day when I stopped caring so much about what people thought of me or how people perceived me. It was the summer of my Senior year...... and I finally felt FREE.
Don't get me wrong...this is not a sob story or an attempt to get you to feel sorry for me, cause I don't need it. I'm a strong person and all of the above situations did not have HUGE impacts on my life. They are just specific things I vividly remember and probably always will.
I'm sure I played my part in creating negative memories for other people. But, I will say with total and complete honesty, that if I ever did something to another person that was negative and could be considered "bullying", that it was absolutely unintentional. I wasn't raised that way.
As a teacher I am blessed in so many ways for all I get to accomplish every school day. I get to play such a huge role in my students lives and that is a huge responsibility. The kids I teach are so impressionable, so I have an important least I think so.
Anyway- there is something that I have to witness everyday that I wish to God that I didn't have to.
I hate it.
It makes my heart hurt.
I'm so emotional and passionate about bullying, that I don't even think I can blog about it. I'm afraid that I will go too far. I know for a fact that I will ramble and ramble and ramble and eventually loose my point......cause I just deleted 5 paragraphs of emotional jabbering.
So, since I can't control my emotions on this topic, I'm just gonna say this.....
Parents, please raise your children right.
Please tell them how ugly it is to make another person cry because of the words you say. Please explain to them that they should never (never) put their hands on another person, for any reason. Please help them understand that all people are different and unique in their own way, that God made everyone, and that they have no right to criticize God work. Please teach them to always stand up for themselves in respectful and dignified ways and to never tarnish their name or yours. Please love them with all you have and always be available for them. Please don't allow them to be angry kids. Please spend time with them and make them feel important, respected, and proud of. Finally, please please please talk to your kids about bullying and all the forms of it. Please tell them to never do it. And please tell them that if you ever witness them doing it or hear of them doing it, then you make them regret it. A lot. Please do this for me. It will make my life easier. Thanks.
P.S. To all the parents who already do this......THANK YOU for having some sense.
Monday, August 1, 2011
A Walk to Remember. (By: Jess)
Cause my mom, sister, and I are going to do something special. Together.
I have signed up all up for the Cooper River Bridge Run (walk) in Charleston! This is a 10K walk that I have wanted to do for years! Every March in Charleston thousands of people gather on the beautiful Cooper River Bridge and walk (or run) across it. This year...the Ogle Women are going to be apart of it! I couldn't be more excited!
But, to me, this is going to be more than just a 10k walk. Yes, walking over 6 miles is going to be a test of my fitness, but there is so much more involved than that.
I am so excited for my mom, sister, and I to work toward this goal TOGETHER.
We are going to train for this event TOGETHER.
We are going to get in shape and loose some unwanted weight TOGETHER.
We are going to keep each other in check and on track TOGETHER.
We are going to travel to Charleston and spend a weekend TOGETHER.
We will encourage each other TOGETHER.
We will celebrate reaching our goal TOGETHER.
We are going to walk 6 miles TOGETHER.
We WILL cross that finish line TOGETHER!
I will continue to keep you updated on all of our progress! So far my sister is kicking mom and I's booty's! She has already started training and has already started a walking routine! Mom and I are planning on starting soon! I guarantee you, by Christmas, we will all be getting new walking shoes from Santa!
We have 7 months and the excitement is already building and building! I think this event will be great for all of us......physically, personally, and emotionally. All (3) of us have been through lots of challenges and roadblocks over the last 7 years and (I think) have overcome all of them with grace and dignity. WHEN we accomplish this walk TOGETHER, it will only make me prouder than I already am!
Check out more info on walk HERE.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Attempting Order. (By: Jess)
I have been researching on all my favorite recipe websites (allrecipes. com and and found some great go-to meals that are delish and healthy! This prompted me to create a "meal calendar" where I will plan out my dinners, one month at a time. This is gonna work out great! Toby works late 1-2 nights a week, so on those nights I am free from cooking dinner! I basically have a list of 21 meals that I can rotate and plan out and I THINK it will be great!
I also have gotten in the routine of only going to the grocery store once a month! My "dinner calendar" will help out this my monthly grocery trip tremendously! Of course, there will be occasional grocery run for odds and ends, like Leo necessities, last minute menu changes, ect...., and I'm OK with that. Its normal and necessary.
I am vowing (darby buds..keep me on check with this!) to pack my lunch everyday!! This way I can achieve the following things:
1. Save money by not charging cafeteria food to my account.
2. Maintain a healthy diet by knowing what I'm eating for lunch everyday and keeping it under control.
Trying to loose my "baby weight" has been a habit I have been tackling all summer! That's a good thing, because it has caused me to create some new good habits.
1. All I drink is water, water, water! (with a splash of Mio water flavoring!)
2. No snacking between meals (Hydroxy cut drink mix has really helped me with this!)
3. Clean cooking and eating (hardly any packaged foods)
4. Allowing myself (1) cheat meal everynow and then (cheat MEAL, not cheat DAY)
5. Making sure I enter everything I eat into (a life changing website, you MUST check out if you wanna drop some weight!)
6. No junk or snacks! I have FINALLY realized that if I don't buy it, I won't eat it! I have a few go-to snacks that I buy, but they are good for me and don't make me feel guilty! Whenever Im feeling extra hungry and its a few hours before my next meal, I eat these: Cinnimon rasin rold-gold baked pretzles, sugar-free, fat-free instant jello pudding, made with 1% milk, sugar-free 10 calorie jello made with a couple spoonfulls of sugar-free cool whip, homemade granola or granola bars, Planter's Nutrition heart healthy mix, 100 calorie packs of almonds, and water, water, water!
7. No breakfast. For years I have been forcing myself to eat breakfast 'cause people always say, "breakfast is the most important meal of the day!!!".....but not for me. As soon as I stopped eating breakfast, I started loosing a lil weight. Whodathunk? So anyway- coffee is perfectly fine for me and I think I'll keep it that way. If I do wake up, STARVING, I will have oatmeal, fruit, cinnimon-raisin toast, or a granola bar.
I am hoping to keep all these habits and make them my new lifestyle! (sidenote: I still have a few bad habits, but for me, I need them to function!)
I became a major fan of walking this summer.......but then it got too darn hot :( So, I am hoping to join a gym and continue a routine of exercise.
I am planning on walking after school with my friend, Wanda, on Tuesdays.
I am planning on working out at the gym with my friend, Jenn, on Wednesdays, every other Friday, and Saturday mornings.
Exercise has been a trial and error with me over the past few years. This is what I have learned regarding my body and exercise:
1. running and/or jogging does NOTHING for me.
2. P90X does nothing for me except help me get pregnant and gain serious muscle weight.
3. ZUMBA is fun for me!
4. Walking gives me the best results.
5. LIGHT weight training is best for me.
6. Spinning is something Id like to try.
7. I have to have some sort of exercise in my daily life to make me happy.
I am also dedicating myself to walking the Cooper River Bridge on March 31st. This is something I have wanted to do for YEARS, and by golly, I'M DOIN IT THIS YEAR!!! I am gonna make it a personal goal this school year to train for this walk. I'm pumped.
Toby and I recently paid off ALL credit cards. I am promising to keep it that way. HUGE lifestyle change, but I'm gonna work on it!
Also, I am scheduling Toby and I (1) date night a month. Dinner, movie, or whatever. We WILL do it and we WILL enjoy it. :)
This has gotten WAY outta hand ever since Lil Leo has entered our world and turned it upside down!! Along with our "meal calendar", I have also started a "cleaning calendar". I know that you are thinking I'm a little OCD at this point....and that's OK. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.
Every other Tuesday, Toby is responsible for cleaning the downstairs and all it entails. (that's his day off!).
Every other Saturday I am responsible for cleaning the upstairs and all it entails.
Hopefully this will keep our house neat, in order, and not a disaster zone!
So there it is. My new life. Not a lot of change.....just a little change..... that I hope makes a big difference!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
It's the Small Things. (By: Jess)
Anywho- while thinking about all the planning, I started to think back to previous years and what I have done in my classroom and what I used to do and what I currently do. I began thinking, "I wonder if the kids enjoyed this as much as me?" or "did that lesson help the kids understand?" or "was that fun or not?" or "was that worth it or not?". I finally realized...that I will never REALLY know the answers to these questions unless I ask the kids themselves. I mean, I LOVE teaching about the Stono Rebellion or how to write the perfect persuasive essay.....the the kids may have a totally different opinion on them! So.....I went to Facebook. I love online communication!
I posted a status, asking all my former students, what some of their memories were of my class.
(sidenote: I only add former students as FB friends once they graduate HS. So, it has been AT LEAST 5 years since I have taught these students. Some even longer....)
I asked them to tell me things they enjoyed doing in class and some things they remember learning about. I was so curious to know if they remembered who started the Revolutionary War and why, why the South lost the Civil War, who Eliza Lucas Pickney was, what caused the Cherokee War, the difference between an adjective and an adverb, what a Royal Colony is, and so much more "stuff" that I stress and stress about every year! I wasn't sure if I'd get any responses or not, but I thought I'd give it a shot.
For those of you who are not teachers, let me quickly explain how important it is that students learn specific things. ("standards" as we call them in the educational universe). In a world of PASS tests, MAP tests, RIT scores, Lexile scores, SAT scores, reading levels, and AR tests, there is a lot of pressure on teachers to MAKE SURE their kids learn all the standards in order to score well on all of the above. Its crazy stressful for kids and teachers, but its our job.
Test, test, test.
Teach, teach, teach.
Teach to the test.
Bell to bell.
Keep them engaged.
Content on DAY 1.
Post standards in your room so kids are ALWAYS aware of what they HAVE to learn and what you HAVE to teach.
And when "the scores" come back every year.... we all hold our breath and hope we did a good job. Oh yes.....teachers get grades too.
I will toot my own horn just a wee bit (toot toot), but I am usually very proud of my test scores. They make me smile and re-assure me that what I'm doing must be working. But I don't dwell on them. I'm not a big fan of tests and numbers. So I look at my scores. Give myself a pat on the back (cause no one else usually does), and then I move on. OK, done tooting.
When former students started responding to my FB status I was happy and appreciative. Then more started responding. And more. And before I knew it, I actually got a little overwhelmed! I almost couldn't keep up with the reading! But, as I started to read what they wrote, I noticed a slight pattern. Everything these kids remembered or "will never forget", had little to nothing to do with standards or specific historical content that I spend so much time on. Hummmm....
I was a little bummed that my former kids didn't comment on anything specific! Nobody seemed to remember war details, government details, important people, places, and documents of history. Boo. In one ear and out the other, I guess. But I didn't stay bummed for long.....
'Cause these kids remembered a lot more. Stuff i had even forgotten. Stuff that was apparently more important TO THEM than historical content. They remembered journal writing, preforming raps, special awards I had given them, books we read that had NOTHING to do with "standards", creative projects we did, contests we had, advise I gave, conversations we had, silly cheers and chants we did, listening to the radio, debates, making videos and commercials, notes I wrote them, movies we watched, games we played, prizes they won,
Reading about all their memories really made me think. It made me think about what's really important.
To put it simply:
It's the small stuff that's important. The rest is just required.
Thanks to all my former kids who helped me see the light....... your memories mean more to me than you will ever know. Thanks for being "a breath of fresh air" for a new school year! Love ya all!! MUAH!!
So...scores bores.
As a teacher and educational professional I will always "care" about test scores and standards. I will always try my best to make sure my students learn what they are required to learn by the state. I will always fulfill my requirements as a classroom teacher to the best of my ability.
But I will also never ignore the small things that (apparently) matter the most.
If my students don't know the difference between the Patriots and the Lobsterbacks or what year the Boston Massacre occurred or what the Intolerable Acts were or what happened at the Battle of Kings Mountain...... then so be it. I'm OK with that.
'Cause I'm sure they learned SOMETHING from me........
and isn't THAT my job?
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Monday, July 4, 2011
Gertrude Louise.
~Good Girl
Before Leo was born Gertie was my entire world. I would hold her in my arms in the evening, rub her belly, and have a full conversation with her. She would look at me with those big, black eyes and really listen to me. She would greet me everyday at the door and cry every time I left the house. She was always so excited to see me in the morning, even though she slept right next to me all night long! She followed me around the house wherever I went and would only go to bed if I went first.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
House of Wax (By: Jess)
And those screams weren't from me.....
Why did Toby fall to pieces, you ask?
'Cause I waxed his back.
Let me explain....
We are getting ready to go to the beach next week and I informed Toby that his lower neck/upper back area was getting a little fuzzy. Prolly from the numerous times I have shaved it for him, which usually results in the hair growing back thicker and darker. So I mentioned maybe waxing it.....
Let me say that again.... I "MENTIONED" it. I didn't push it. Toby was the one who went to CVS and bought an "at-home waxing kit". He originally wanted to buy "Nair", but I didn't think that would work as well as wax would. I mean..."Nair" is for "girl hair", not wirey, dark, long, man-hair. Plus.... I secretly couldn't wait to see him squirm from the riiiiiiiippppp of the waxing! Just thinking about it made me smile and giggle a little.
So, he brought home the kit and we planned on doing the "procedure" on Saturday night. I told Toby we should do it a week before we go to the beach so his back will have time to heal.
"HEAL?!?!?!" said Toby.
I just smirked......
Anyway- after we laid Leo down for a short evening nap, I got things ready for the "procedure". I heated up the wax and had Toby lay on his belly on the couch. I should have know that things were not going to go smoothly when he whimpered as I was putting the wax on....
The first RIP was hilarious!!! It took me about 10 min to actually do it cause I was laughing so hard! Toby was making the funniest sounds and every time I went to pull off the white strip, I just couldn't! Finally, when I found the guts to do it, I think every muscle in Toby's body clenched and he was laughing so hard from the pain! At one point I even said, "Shhh! You will wake the baby!!"
The next RIP was very similar, if not identical, to the first one.
The 3rd RIP was the last. My 30 year old, baby-daddy, man-of-the-house, supplier of the bacon, couldn't take anymore. He was done.
Which resulted in only 1/2 of the man-hair getting removed. It didn't look right....kinda Steve Carell's chest in "40 Year Old Virgin".
This is where the real drama started.....
Toby REFUSED to allow me to do the rest! At first I thought he was kidding, but he wasn't. He was serious. I remember asking him "Are you serious??" a few times. Each time he responded with "YES! I'm done!" I told him it didn't look "right" and he didn't care.... we would just shave the rest!
Toby went upstairs to shower, cause there was still a lot of wax left on his skin....he didn't let me finish remember.....
When he came back downstairs he was flipping out cause the wax "wouldn't come off!" He was mad cause he was gonna be "sticky all night!" He came down and sat on the couch and immediately got back up and said that he was gonna have to take ANOTHER shower! I couldn't help but smirk...... HE DIDN'T LET ME FINISH!!!
After about 20 min of letting Toby shower and scrub and shower and scrub, I decided to go up and help. I didn't exactly know what to do, but I felt bad, so I was determined to get the excess wax off.....some how......
FYI: NEVER, I repeat NEVER, use nail polish remover on skin that has just been waxed. It will NOT remove the excess wax and apparently burns a little. Sorry babe....
So anyway- the waxing session was an epic fail. My husband caved like a little school girl who is scared to pull her tooth. was a memory maker that's for sure! Every time I think about the night's episodes I can't help but laugh out loud a little and smile so big it hurts! (in fact, I'm doing it right now!!)
In conclusion...thanks Toby for showing my your "sensitive" side. It was cute and adorable and gave me a great laugh! I love you! xoxox
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Peace and Quiet? (By: Jess)
Ever since Leo has entered my world I no longer have peace and quiet. Not because he cries a lot, cause he doesn't, but because my mind CONSTANTLY thinks I hear him crying.
(readers, especially those who are mother's, please be nodding your head in agreeing with me on this, or I will think I've totally lost it!! )
Whenever I find myself in a quiet moment, usually when he is napping (which he does well!), my mind plays tricks on me. I either think I hear him crying or I think I hear baby music playing in the background. I SWEAR I hear it! But when I go check it out.....nuttin'. This really is starting to interrupt me when I want to clean the house, whip up a dessert,blog, facebook stalk, water flowers, vacuum, take a shower, or cat-nap. Never a moment's peace!!
Maybe my ears are so used to these sounds that they are just burned into my ear drums! It's kinda like when you stare at an optical illusion for a long time and even when you look away, you still see it........ You know what I'm talking about?
That's what I'm experiencing.
It's usually the worst at night. Whenever it's REALLY quiet is when I hear "the sounds" the most. I SWEAR I hear him cooing or crying, or sometimes I tip-toe into his room only to find him snoozing away. I sigh, roll my eyes, and go back to bed. Only to do it again in about 45 min. Oh Lort!
Maybe I'm being over-protective or over -sensitive or over -anxious or over-caffeinated...... I don't know. But it's getting annoying.
On the positive side...... at least I'm not hearing voices. That would be a different story.........
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
I Teach. A summary of memories....good and bad. (By:Jess)
I think I am different from a lot of other teachers cause I didn't always dream of being a teacher. I didn't play "school" and pretend to be the teacher. In fact, whenever I did play "school" my sister would always get to be the teacher and she would always give me "F's" on spelling tests. Nice.
Anyway- I used to dream of being a nurse. (I kinda still would love to be a nurse. If I could teach during the school year and be a nurse on the summer, that would be great! But, I'm sure that will never happen....)
My dreams of becoming a nurse were shattered during my senior year of HS when I had THE WORST chemistry teacher known to man and knew if I couldn't succeed in his class, then I would never succeed in a college chemistry. So I changed my mind...... I would teach.
I had spent the last (3) years teaching dance lessons to kids (kindergarten- 8th grade) and actually enjoyed it and felt like I was good at it. I thought to myself, "I could do this for a career. AND I will have the summers and weekends off..... good deal." Done. Career change.
Best decision I ever made.
So far I have been a teacher for 8 years. Next year will be my 9th and Lord only knows what will be in store! What I have learned in the past 8 years is unbelievable! Below are a list of memories (good and bad and in no particular order) that I have. I can only imagine the amount of memories I have yet to make.....
- I will never forget My first principal, Larry Altenburger, from Allen East Middle School. He was AWESOME and the kindest man I think I have ever worked for. if we ever move back to Ohio I'd LOVE to work for this man again!
- My classroom the first year I taught was BEAUTIFUL! I spend hours and hours and hours and hours getting it ready and decorated it for every holiday! I took so much pride in that room! Unfortunately, as the years go on, I don't spend the time decorating like I did that first year. I should....
- I will never forget the CRAZIEST parent ever! I won't mention names cause "you never know", but I will never forget her name or face or things she did/said to me. Let's just say that the day she came to my apartment, banging on my door, screaming, "I KNOW YOU ARE IN THERE!" was (one of) the scariest times in my life!
- I will never forget making a girl cry once. I chewed her out for not listening to me when I gave directions for an assignment.....and then she informed me that she was in the bathroom when I did the explaining. I felt terrible!
- Being named "Teacher of the Year" (twice) and nominated for "District Teacher of the Year" (twice) is an all-time high!
- I will never forget the people I have worked with over the years! Erin, MaryJo, Lindsey, Dan, Megan, Susan, Gina, Marijane, Jennifer, Whitney, Tracey, Edwina, LeeEddie, Stephanie, Steve, and Nancy all stand out to me.
- Chris Renn and Charlie Mayfield are also past "bosses" that were soooooo good to me. I have been so lucky over the past 8 years to have worked for such sweet, caring, nice, and father-like men.
- I will never forget the HUGE crush I had on a fellow co-worker my 1st year of teaching.
- I will never forget the 1st time I chaperoned a school dance and field trip. I felt so important.
- I will never forget the first awards banquet I presented at. I was so proud of all my kids who received and deserved awards.
- A student once said to me "Can we have a Civil War solider be a guest speaker?"
- I will never forget the 1st funeral I went to for a student. Shane Jones...RIP. Unfortunately, there have been more that followed....
- I will never forget the time I almost set my classroom on fire.
- I will never forget the 1st student to make me cry.
- I will never forget all the lessons that FLOPPED!
- I will never forget getting praised by an administrator for AWESOME test scores!
- I will never forget FINALLY receiving my teaching certificate!
- I will never forget the day a dog jumped in my classroom window!
- I will never forget a student "coming out" to me.
- I will never forget when a student told me I had fat toes.
- I will never forget getting the award for the "best dressed teacher" and also being told by an administrator that I "dressed unprofessional and didn't set a good example".
- I will never forget doing a cartwheel at an assembly and my shoe flying off!
- I will never forget getting "pied" in the face over a dozen times! And how it was SO MUCH FUN!
- I will never forget having my kids make "Civil War Scrapbooks". My all-time favorite project.....that I only did once.
- I will never forget when a student told me to me to email him an assignment and gave me his email address. (it Awkard.)
- I will never forget catching 2 students smoking and the look on their faces!
- I will never forget a girl accusing me of calling her "stupid".
- I will never forget all the tears on the last day of school.....from students and myself!
- I will never forget chaperoning the Senior Class Cruise to the Bahamas.
- I will never forget the 1st time I accidentally said a "bad word" in class.
- I will never forget all the kind notes, cards and letters students have written me over the past 8 years. I have them all saved in a shoebox in my bedroom closet.
- I will never forget the student who gave me a heart shaped necklace for Christmas.
- I will never forget how competitive some kids got during a review game.
- I will never forget when a girl apologized to me for being rude.
- I will never forget getting a card in the mail from a former student.
- I will never forget my 1st coaching experience.
- I will never forget the time I witnessed a parent hit their child in front of me.
- I will never forget the time when a parent got IRATE at me for catching their child with a cell phone in class.
- I will never forget the notes, cards, emails, and letters from parents that remind me of why I am a teacher. (These are also saved in a shoebox in my bedroom closet)
- I will never forget when a student came to school wearing the same outfit as me.
- I will never forget when an administrator called my ideas "stupid".
- I will never forget when a gust of wind blew my dress up over my head on the front of students.
- I will never forget crying because if happiness for a student.
- I will never forget crying because of sympathy for a student.
- I will never forget laughing so hard I cried because a student was sincerely funny!
- I will never forget how cool it felt be be called "Miss Ogle" and "Mrs. Rolfes"
- I will never forget how tight a student once hugged me.
- I will never forget praying with a student at their request.
And the list will go on, I'm sure.......